Big Air Kiter, Kite Coach, Videographer

learning to fly series

learning to fly series

Two episodes of Learning To Fly movie form a complete set to master jumps. This unique products is a a result of several years of teaching people and two years of filming and editing.

This video is a great way to practice using my method even if you never had a lesson with me or keep it as a reminder of most important keypoints in case you joined my classes in the past.

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Grateful reviews

The best movies about jumps Ever

Slow-spoken English explanations
Slow-spoken English explanations
High quality close up and aerial footage
High quality close up and aerial footage
Lots of  detailed info graphics
Lots of detailed info graphics
Exercises with keys for self-control
Exercises with keys for self-control
Emphasis on foundation and details
Emphasis on foundation and details

Learning to fly Episode One

In the Episode one of Learning To Jump video we are mastering the basics of riding powered and understanding of the most important principles of the jump.
Watch preview:

Episode contents:
8 Basic Exercises with keys for self-control.
8 Basic Exercises with keys for self-control.
3 main stages of an average jump explained.
3 main stages of an average jump explained.
Understanding the Sources of Power for the jump.
Understanding the Sources of Power for the jump.
Using your board to control the Power.
Using your board to control the Power.
Managing your weight distribution over the board.
Managing your weight distribution over the board.
Evolving from the Beginner's stance to the Advanced stance.
Evolving from the Beginner's stance to the Advanced stance.

Learning to fly Episode Two

Developing our basic skills from Episode One further, we will go to 10 m heights and above
Watch preview:

Episode contents:
• 7 Exercises to master big-airs.
• 7 Exercises to master big-airs.
 3 Multi-steps scenarios for small/normal/big kite big-air jumps.
3 Multi-steps scenarios for small/normal/big kite big-air jumps.
Evolving from Advanced to Powered-up stance.
Evolving from Advanced to Powered-up stance.
"Synchronized actions" techniques for super-fast sending.
Modified techniques for jumping with big-sized kites.
Modified techniques for jumping with big-sized kites.
Stable flight  and Landing after a big-air techniques
Stable flight and Landing after a big-air techniques
